Most people move way too fast.
They don’t have time to catch their breath.
Compound this over days, months, and years..and it becomes a problem.
I’ve heard them say, “I don’t have time to [insert healthy habit here].”
Really? No time to take 30 seconds off the screen and breathe? Hop down and do 10 pushups? A yoga stretch?
It’s not that they don’t have time. They know it’s good for them. But the habits aren’t second nature yet.
In the words of James Clear, author of Atomic Habits:
“Making a choice that is 1% better or 1% worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be.”
That 1% is the difference between feeling good and burning out.
Is that 1% worth it to you?
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