I hate this.
Unfortunately, it happens a lot.
Imagine this..
You’re in a team meeting.
Everyone’s sharing ideas. Words are exchanged with rapid fire. Everyone except you.
After carefully listening and considering each idea, you finally muster up the courage to say something.
Before anyone can chew on it, a colleague jumps in with a new thought. And the back-and-forth momentum picks up again.
You wonder..did anyone even hear what you just said?
Lao Tzu once said, “He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.”
You’re not the crazy one.
In fact, you might be the person your team really needs. The one who brings calm and clarity from the chaos. Not the one getting caught in the whirlwind of it all.
On the contrary, perhaps your purpose in your role and your company is to encourage deeper listening.
After all, how can you actively listen to your customers when you can’t even listen to your colleagues?
Perhaps, that’s the catalyst to deeper solutions to complex problems.
We have enough Talk shows. What we need are “Listen” shows.
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