Stop believing every thought.
Every thought is real.
They really are happening.
But every thought is NOT true.
The trap is when we believe these thoughts.
And then dive into an analytical rabbit hole about them.
Overthinking and overthinking and overthinking.
This is how burnout starts. This is how stress is created. This is how imposter syndrome begins.
This is a big part of the mental health crisis we’re facing.
The voices in our heads can be our worst critic.
They put us in a trance that is NOT reality.
“I’m stupid.” “I can’t do it.” “People don’t like me.” “I won’t ever find a job again.”
We weren’t born with these thoughts.
We acquired them without our consent.
But we have a choice to give them power or not.
There are ways to quiet these voices.
And in fact, ways to replace them with empowering thoughts.
Ones that uplift us and not bring us down.
That’s the power of meditation.
You don’t have to sit on the floor, cross-legged to meditate.
You just need the tools and techniques to update the software in your mind.
And you can do that anywhere, sitting, standing, laying down, doesn’t matter.
So please. Stop believing your thoughts.
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